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A 20m screen that disappears in 12 seconds

Installation of a polivision screen in the auditorium of the SandCastle on the island of Guam.

In the summer of 2023, a thrilling adventure took the Multivision Screens team to the exotic island of Guam, south of Japan, to complete an exceptional project in partnership with the Baldyga Group. The challenge was enormous: to install an impressive 20-meters wide by 12-meters high Multivision screen, capable of rising at an impressive speed of one meter per second. This ambitious technical project presented some exciting complexities, but our team triumphed with flying colours. This ambitious technical project presented exciting complexities, but our team triumphed with success.

The location of the project, the SandCastle theatre, on this island in the vastness of the Pacific, added a unique dimension to this remarkable achievement. The fact that this technological feat came to life on an island as remote as Guam is a testament to Multivision Screens' dedication to meeting the most demanding challenges anywhere in the world and to pushing the boundaries of projection technology to deliver memorable experiences.

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